The Biden administration continues to call for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, but is that wise? By seeing what the Palestinian Authority (PA)/Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/Fatah said since Hamas’ October 7 murder of 1,400 Israelis, one can readily see that the PA is not a viable peace partner. Recent statements by high officials in the PA and in its PA-run press show that the PA glorifies the Hamas attack, incites Palestinians to murder Jews (and like Hamas claims Muslims have a religious obligation to do so), demonizes Israel and Jews, and rejects Israel’s right to exist. Some examples are the following:
October 7
Glorifying the attack, PA TV states that “Gaza landed a blow that this occupation will yet remember,” and that the Palestinians need “to take its right to self-determination by force.” [Reporter on Official PA TV, Oct. 7, 2023]
Fatah’s military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, calls on Palestinians to “[b]reak into the settlements, strike the sons of apes of pigs, kill everyone who is a settler, slaughter everyone who is Israeli…” [The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine the Occupied Land, Telegram channel, Oct. 7, 2023]
October 8
PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor and PA judge claims that Hamas attack is “our legitimate right in resisting these invaders…and defending our holy sites and our people…” and views “this occupation,” (i.e., Israel), as “temporary.” [PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Official PA TV, Oct. 8, 2023]
Fatah’s Bethlehem Branch shows a video on its Telegram channel, including an image of Israelis portrayed “as a rat being trampled by a boot with the colors of the Palestinian flag on its sole.” [Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, Oct. 8, 2023]
PA claims that the Hamas attack perpetrators are “martyrs” and that “their blood will cause victory and holiness to bloom.” [Official PA TV, Oct. 8, 2023]
PA claims Israeli towns that were attacked are mere “colonies,” i.e., not legitimately part of Israel. [WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 8, 2023]
Fatah Tubas Branch Secretary Mahmoud Sawafta calls on Palestinians to “land more blows on [Israel],” who is “weaker than cobwebs.” [Official PA TV, Oct. 8, 2023]
Fatah Tubas branch member Ghassan Daraghmeh similarly states that Israel’s “undefeatable army” is “weaker than cobwebs.” [Official PA TV, Oct. 8, 2023]
October 9
Abbas states that Hamas attack is one of self-defense: “[Abbas] again emphasized our people’s right to defend itself and its members from the occupation’s aggression.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 9, 2023]
Rather than condemn Hamas attack, Abbas stresses suffering of Palestinians: “Our people in the Gaza Strip are being subjected to a comprehensive act of aggression, attacks, and killing by the Israeli occupation forces. This obligates us to give everything that could ease their suffering.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 9, 2023]
Abbas’ advisor and PA judge says that violence and bloodshed will end once Israel ceases to exist. [PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Facebook page, Oct. 9, 2023]
October 10
Fatah Central Committee member justifies Hamas attack, stating that Hamas is “defending their freedom and the justice of their cause,” and Israel is acting like “Nazis.” [Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Facebook page, Oct. 10, 2023]
Fatah Tulkarem Branch Secretary Iyad Jarrad states that the Hamas terrorists are “a source of pride, heroism, and honor for the Palestinian people.” [Official PA TV, Oct. 10, 2023]
October 15
Abbas manages to condemn Hamas by name, but edits that out only a few hours later [bold shows changed text].
- Abbas’ statement as a result of US, international pressure: “Hamas’ policy and actions do not represent the Palestinian people. The policy, fundamentals, and decisions of the PLO are what represents the Palestinian people, as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”
- Abbas’ amended statement, a few hours later: The policy, fundamentals, and decisions of the PLO are what represents the Palestinian people, as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people – and not the policy of any other organization.” [WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 15, 2023]
October 17
Fatah member Raafat Alayan calls the Hamas attack a “heroic operation.” [[Al-Mashhad TV (Dubai), YouTube channel, Oct. 17, 2023]
The PA Ministry of Religious Affairs issued guidelines for sermons to be delivered on Fridays, including quoting a hadith that calls on Muslims to kill Jews as a requirement of Islam. [PA Ministry of Religious Affairs, Facebook page, Oct. 18, 2023]
October 20
Fatah Tulkarem Branch Secretary Iyad Jarrad states that that the Hamas attack “taught [the West] a lesson in the Gaza Strip.” [Fatah Movement – Tulkarem Branch, Facebook page, Oct. 20, 2023]
In addition to the above quotes, Palestinian Media Watch has calculated that the PA, under its existing “pay-to-slay” laws, will pay nearly $2.8 million to the families of the 1,500 Hamas terrorists that were killed in retaliation for Hamas’ October 7 killing spree. These payments, as well as the quotes above, clearly demonstrate that the PA is not a viable peace partner with Israel.