Overwhelmed Border Patrol Agent tells Post ‘I probably let terrorists in the country’

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Border agents detained three Palestinian terrorists, one of which had “salacious photos” on their phone. Among the photos was a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, federal law enforcement sources said. The men are just a few of the individuals with known terrorists ties that have been caught crossing the border into the United States.

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Sadly, overwhelmed Border Patrol agents tell the New York Post that their lack of resources makes them feel guilty for what they know is certainly happening.

“Overwhelmed Border Patrol agents tell The Post that they do not have the tools to fully vet the migrants who are coming in from all over the world — particularly into the San Diego area” writes the Post.

Mostly, they are only able to use US terror watchlists and other American resources to help determine which migrants could be a terror threat. Border agents do not have access to terror or criminal databases from other countries.

“Knowing who these guys are, we have, like, no access to anything international. Like, we really don’t and it kind of sucks,” said one border agent, who spoke anonymous because they were not authorized to give public statements.

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“I wanted to get into Border Patrol and protect from terrorists. And it’s like, well, I probably let terrorists in the country.”

In addition to the three Palestinians, federal authorities caught one migrant from Turkey who was also suspected of having ties to terror groups. The migrants were among groups of dozens of migrants who turned themselves in to border agents at the San Diego sector, said sources.

The Post adds:

Border agents in the San Diego sector were warned to be on the lookout for individuals tied to Palestinian terrorist groups after the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel.

“San Diego Field Office Intelligence Unit assesses that individuals inspired by, or reacting to the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border,” the previous alert read.

“Foreign fighters motivated by ideology or mercenary soldiers of fortune may attempt to obfuscate travel to or from the US to or from countries in the Middle East through Mexico,” the memo adds, before listing the patches of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.

The migrants crossed the border just weeks after the Biden administration instituted new policies that restrict the ability of migrants to request asylum — though the executive order has has major loopholes allowing migrants to still be released into the country.


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