China Scores Propaganda Win Brokering Palestinian Unity

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China continues to score propaganda wins by hosting talks and brokering a pledge between Hamas, Fatah and 14 other Palestinian groups for “ending division and strengthening Palestinian unity.” This comes on the heels of a Chinese-brokered détente between Syria and the Arab League in May 2023, as well as détente between Iran and Saudi Arabia in March 2023.

The CCP’s state-run press was quick to use the Palestinian unity declaration as propaganda of China’s success in diplomacy. One Global Times editorial bragged that “…China is now becoming a hot place for different countries who are suffering from chaos and wars around the globe to seek peaceful solutions…” A Chinese university dean called the deal “absolutely historic, significant and unprecedented” in another Global Times article. A third Global Times article praised “Beijing’s unique diplomatic mediation model” as “provid[ing] new ideas and positive energy for peace and stability in the Middle East,” and that China’s “[d]ialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, win-win rather than zero-sum game” approach is “…a public good in the Middle East.” Another article from Global Times claimed that “…China is the most qualified to talk about national unity with abundant historical experience and practical resources in this issue.” That article of course did not mention China’s violent suppression of the Hong Kong protesters, and its mass imprisonment of its Uyghur and Falun Gong populations, all done in the name of “national unity,” nor did the article recognize the fact that most of Taiwan’s population opposes “unification” with China.

The CCP also used praise from leaders and others around the world to further amplify its portrayal of the meeting as a diplomatic win for China. Citing Mustafa Barghouti, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, one Global Times editorial stated that China’s diplomatic initiative, which was “very decent and honest,” went “much further” than any past efforts in reconciliation. Xinhua cited Iran’s Foreign Ministry as praising the talks as “a valuable move in the right direction.” A China Daily editorial cited additional praise from the United Nations, the Palestinian Authority, the European Union, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey and Oman.

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The CCP used the unity declaration as another opportunity to claim that China is unbiased and wise in foreign policy. “China’s impartial stance, free from selfish motives or interests, has garnered increasing trust from the international community,” boasted one Global Times editorial. “This mediation wasn’t merely about China’s diplomatic efforts but also about the broader acceptance of China’s philosophy of cooperative development over conflict,” according to one commentator in China Daily. “China’s involvement in the Middle East stands out distinctly from other global powers because of its commitment to fairness and justice. Unlike Western countries, which often pursue self-serving agendas, China has maintained relatively friendly relations with all nations in the region without taking sides,” according to another commentator in China Daily.

The CCP used China’s success in brokering the unity declaration to slander the US and the West. China is better poised to broker peace, because its approach is one of “sincerity and brotherhood” and “fairness and impartiality,” contrasted with the West’s “often superficial engagement” and “divide-and rule policies,” according to one editorial in China Daily. China also “…played a positive role by putting the two groups [Fatah and Hamas] back on the same table. In contrast, the US turned out to be more destructive and destabilizing, and failed to follow through on its promises,” stated the executive director of the Research Center for the Belt and Road at Lanzhou University, as cited by Global Times. Throwing Israel under the bus, one China Daily editorial stated that “Western nations, particularly the United States, have consistently favored Israel, hindering genuine progress toward peace. In contrast, China’s stance of fairness and justice, offers a viable path forward.” That commentator further stated that in contrast to “the US and some European nations,” China “does not seek to dominate the Middle East” and “China’s only goal is to promote peace.”

As Hamas’ war against Israel continues, and Hezbollah will inevitably increase attacks on Israel following its murder of 12 Israeli Druze children on a soccer field, will China’s actions increasingly impede Israel’s ability to self-defense?

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